


紧急信息卡位于校园的大部分走廊, 教室, 实验室和其他公共场所. They are mounted to the walls in clear acrylic frames and consist of red and white cards, printed front and back with the following information: Emergency Evacuation Plan (by building/floor), 紧急疏散程序, 紧急疏散计划指定疏散区域, 紧急应变清单, 紧急程度, 紧急医疗规程. Please familiarize yourselves with the information on these cards and the evacuation routes for the 位置s on campus that you visit.


A building should be evacuated immediately whenever notification is received personally, 当大楼的火警响起时, 或者在公共广播系统的指示下. 接到撤离大楼的通知, 迅速走到最近的有标志的出口,并提醒其他人也这样做. 离开前一定要关好办公室和教室的门. Employees Are to notify 学生 and visitors in their respective areas to assemble in designated areas outside and away from buildings. Once outside the building, report to the designated meeting area for your building.

在每学期开始的时候, individuals potentially requiring assistance exiting buildings in emergency situations should self-identify with their instructor and with 校园警察局. 这将包括坐轮椅的人, 那些有任何限制行动能力的人, 视力或听力受损的人, and anyone else who might have difficulty following directions in an emergency. 校园警察 will assist in developing a plan for safely evacuating these individuals.

一般, building elevators are not available for use and those individuals with limited mobility may require assistance from WCC staff in using the stairs. 如有任何未自我确认身份的人士需要协助, please notify 校园警察局 at 919-739-7050 or 7050 from an internal phone, 或者分机. 我们会派人去协助疏散.


在一般情况下, accidents occurring during WCC-sponsored activities will be covered by student and/or college insurance. The College generally will not be responsible for medical transport or any hospital or medical provider fees for personal illnesses. All accidents involving 学生 must be reported to the Student Activities Coordinator or to 校园警察 after hours. Accidents involving guests must also be reported to the Business Office during business hours, 下班后到校园警察局. It is important that these notifications be made prior to transport if possible so that appropriate insurance documents may be prepared and related agencies notified. 不遵守程序可能导致索赔不被涵盖.

  • 是否应该出现需要更多基本急救的医疗紧急情况, the procedures posted on the red Emergency Medical Cards located throughout the campus, should be followed:
Call EMS immediately at 9-1-1 and then call 校园警察 at 919-739-7050 or 7050 on a college telephone to notify them of the situation, 位置, 事故或疾病的性质. 校园警察将护送救护车到现场.
  • 除非下列情况,否则不要移动伤者:
  • You are certain about their condition; or
  • 如果他们呆在原地,这个人会处于更危险的境地.
  • 在癫痫发作的情况下,不要约束受害者. 清除受害者周围所有可能造成危险的东西. 如果可能的话,让受害者侧卧. 永远不要强迫受害者张开嘴.


If ever a dangerous situation develops that poses a serious threat to the College and jeopardizes the safety of 学生 or employees, 校园"封锁"将启动. “封锁”将由学院人员在大楼里宣布, 通过公共广播系统, 和/或通过WCC警报消息, 并将一直有效直到被执法部门终止.  如果你在教室里听到“封锁”的通知, 关上教室的门, 离开门,关上百叶窗.  保持身体低低,保持安静,远离门的视线.  Stay there until instructed to do otherwise by law enforcement or until the “ALL CLEAR” is sounded.

如果你在走廊或外面,当“锁定”宣布, please take cover immediately by getting into a building and into a room.  如果两者都做不到,那就找个能找到的东西做掩护.  待在那里,除非执法部门另有指示.


当"校园紧急状态"被宣布时, 所有非必要人员, 学生, 访客必须立即有序撤离校园.  The 校园警察 Department and emergency response teams will assist in directing traffic to ensure the safest and quickest evacuation.


If a severe weather warning indicates an immediate threat to individuals on the WCC campus, 校园内将通过广播系统发出警报, 校园警察局, 和/或WCC警报消息, 下面的计划将被激活.  离开您的区域前请关闭所有门窗.  If time permits, disconnect all electrical and computer equipment before you leave your area.  Everyone is to remain in the designated safe area(s) until notified by 校园警察局 that all is clear.

杜鹃花的建筑, 山茱萸的建筑, 冬青建筑, 木兰建筑, 松木建筑, 云杉大厦和胡桃大厦 – Everyone on the first floor should remain on that level; individuals located on second floors should immediately proceed to the first floor, and all should assemble in safe shelter areas away from outside doors and windows.  People located on the third and fourth floors should shelter on the second floor away from outside doors and windows.

  • Ash Building – Occupants should immediately proceed to the first floor of the building and assemble on the first floor in the Storage Room 126, 103, or Break Room 118. Stay away from glass walls and windows 等待校园警察局的进一步指示.
  • 航空大厦 – All individuals should immediately proceed to the Aviation classroom building interior hallway, 卫生间, 小厨房, offices, etc. Stay away from outside doors and windows 等待校园警察局的进一步指示.
  • Hocutt建筑 – Occupants should immediately proceed to the first floor of their respective building and assemble in the interior rooms, 走廊, or stairs away from any outside doors and windows 等待校园警察局的进一步指示.
  • 枫木建筑 -所有个人应立即前往准备摊位, 102房间, 或到101号储藏室, 远离外面的门, 等待校园警察局的进一步指示.
  • 橡木和雪松建筑 – All individuals should immediately proceed to the interior hallway or rooms with no outside doors or windows. 尽量远离窗户和外门.  Individuals should wait there for further instructions from 校园警察局.
  • WLC建筑 – All individuals on the first floor should immediately proceed to Moffatt Auditorium and move to the front row and fill in from the middle of the row in the center or inside out on the right and left wings so everyone can find a seat as quickly as possible. 如果莫法特礼堂已经满员了, 去里面的走廊, 卫生间, 休息的房间, 小型厨房, 办公区域, and other interior spaces with no outside doors or windows on the first and second floors, 等待校园警察局的进一步指示.  On the second and third floors, avoid outside doors and windows, including those facing the atrium.
